
Oh man this is a big one. Huge! 👀

One of the hardest, hardest, super hardest (I can’t stress hardest enough here 👀) things for me to do in life is forgive.

Yes I know I’m not perfect.

No I don’t expect everyone else to be perfect.

However 👀

It’s also not easy for me to let go of a grudge.

Back in 1996 a girl who was my best friend stole a lot of money from me.

In 1998 my first love broke my heart.

In 2007 a family member stopped talking to me.

In 2022 my ex FINALLY signed the divorce papers after like 8 years of the runaround.

During all of this I’ve had a family member consistently try to make my life a living hell.

Am I making any sense right now? 👀

Not forgiving people doesn’t help my mental health at all. During these times of non-forgiveness all I’m doing is thinking about the grudge I’m holding, justifying it by reliving those painful moments in which I was hurt. I open those old wounds and do some serious damage to my mental and emotional well-being. It tears me up inside.

It affects my diet, my sleep patterns, sometimes even my other relationships- especially if I’ve dwelled too long on the hurtful event/person/words from my past. It’s easy to blur those lines between what’s really happening and what I’m perceiving to be happening based on past painful experiences.

I always see these memes and posts about forgiveness- it doesn’t free the other person from their hurtful behavior/words, it frees you, the one who was hurt, from constantly being hurt by that person by not being able to move forward. Or something like that, something more paraphrased. I’m not good at paraphrasing. 🤔

Friend, let it go.

It’s not helping your mental health to not forget those hurtful things and it sure as heck isn’t hurting the person who hurt you.

Let it go.

💚 Lina

3 thoughts on “Forgive

  1. I get you, girlfriend! Big, huge, astronomical hurts take me a long time to completely forgive (I’m working on one now that dates back to 2015). What I do understand is that, until forgiveness takes place, that person still has some control over my life. That person committed an act or acts that caused me great pain, and as long as I’m holding onto the hurt in some way, they are inflicting that pain over and over and over again. Whenever that nasty germ seeps its way in, I just remind myself that the only person who is causing me hurt is me, because I won’t let it go. It can be a long process to ultimate forgiveness, but I promise you when the moment comes when you recognize that you no longer harbor hatred about what that person did, you will feel like your soul has taken off on a balloon ride. So just keep working on it!!!

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